Switzerland is ranked first in the world’s most competitive countries !
Each year, the International Institute for Management Development (“IMD”) bases its global competitiveness ranking following numerous quantitative and qualitative research
Despite the recent crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, Europe, and particularly Switzerland, continues to have strong regional competitiveness around the world.
In fact, in the world ranking of competitiveness 2021, Switzerland ranks first, which shows the efficiency of its economy and its institutions despite the difficulties caused by the health crisis. Competitiveness takes into account innovation, digitalization, social benefits and social cohesion that are essential to the economic performance of a continent, or even a country.
The IMD bases its ranking on 334 competitiveness criteria selected as a result of comprehensive research using economic literature, international, national and regional sources and feedback from the business community, government agencies and academics. The criteria are revised and updated on a regular basis as new theory, research and data become available and as the global economy evolves.
*Source : WORLD COMPETITIVENESS RANKING, juillet 2021 – imd.org